This is so great, Michelle! I was going to cut and paste my favorite lines here but there are too many. Thank you for writing this <3

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Thank you for reading it!

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OMG 😱 Been all around this Void business for some time now too. Michelle, I think what you experienced might have been the abandonment horror feeling that you had as an infant, which has been walled off from consciousness until such a time (now) when you have developed the spiritual strength to integrate this feeling of infinite ultimate separation. Maybe motherhood gave you the access and strength to meet your pre-verbal implicit memory of emptiness. I don't think the Void is the final destination. I think it's the portal to cosmic union, if you can bear the acute horror until it transmutes. For in depth explication, read Trauma and the Soul by Donald Kalsched. Or just don't breathe too deeply ever again 😆 Good luck! 💜💜💜

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Ooooh I was HOPING recs like these would come in. I couldn't be happier that it's from YOU! Thank you for this! xoxoxo

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For sure! Curious to hear what you think if you read it!


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