Was excited to see Chandler Burr mentioned. His book The Emperor of Scent is the one that got me reading about perfume. Lica Turin the star of that book wrote two of his own which are super. He makes it a quest to show that the shape theory, lock and key business can’t be right and demonstrates it by creating two scents with the same shape that smell different. He brings them to an international conference of perfume scientists who won’t go near them..Kriptonite! The shocking thing is that they claimed that smell is subjective...huh? A science with no metric? And yes ...bring on the purple prose.

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I really like this part: "Writing about perfume is notoriously rough, and almost impossible to do without sounding a bit pretentious, so you really have to not give s fuck and let it rip. And, of course, writing that does not give a fuck is the best writing." ❤️❤️❤️

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I was just talking about perfume thh hi is morning with my kid. ❤️❤️❤️

Love this all especially this:

“Here’s another: ‘Just so maternal/secure and comforting without being mature or vintage.’ Maternal/secure? Is Feminite du Bois the smell of secure attachment? How about ‘a bit of cumin and a bit of date syrup slowly turning into a spicy plum marmalade.’ Yes, I want to roll around in that.’

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I feel like Norlimbanol might be the smell of anxious attachment lolz.

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