it’s such a fun place to be realizing that nothing is real! for an extra dose, try holding two truths at once: nothing is real AND everything is real. that’s where i’ve found a lot of magic hiding in wait ♥️⚛️

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Also people who ask people if they’re pregnant…I can’t let my ego go enough to even come up with a chill way to deal with them.

One miserable irony of nyc is that when I was actually pregnant I was very rarely given a subway seat, now when I am not at all pregnant just chubby I’m given a subway seat more than I like and I know why and I take the seat but it ruins me for like 30 minutes and then menopause erases it.

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*you’re pregnant

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I love your substack and your arms are not flabby and I know none of it is real but malks when she was like seven used to tell me my butt was jiggly to my horror and it is so fuck it. Also we gotta talk about the Flamingo and also I love writing substacks too because who knows what they will be, but ya it is terrifying.

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A Zen master was crying because his son died. His disciples came to him and asked, Master why are you crying? We thought that everything is an illusion? He said, Everything IS an illusion but this is the saddest illusion of them all.

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❤️‍🔥thank you for this ✨🙏

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I've had a tremendous time recently struggling with resentments and my relationship with them; it's been one of the focuses of my meditation lately, processing and letting go of resentment and rumination. So the fact this popped up is, well. Magical

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Might’ve just upgrade to paid because what is anything. God I loved this.

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Yes. Reading you ramble is always satisfying. I was in SF in 1997. Your voice is so consistent even though three decades have passed. When I read i see your blue dreadlocked pigtails.

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