I love this a lot. I grew up in somerville with people's cousins after me and other similar stuff and I am seeing my social anxiety as an artist from a whole new angle!! Thank you <3 <3

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Loved this michelle. I write because it’s FUN and makes me feel GOOD and if i don’t the demons in my mind will TAKE OVER! 😂🤝

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so relatable, thank you.

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This came at just the right time for me. Thankyou

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Thanks for reading. <3

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💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 I had that lipstick. It was amazing.

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Oh my god I love that!

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Lynda Barry is the bomb! You should check out her book, Syllabus, if you haven't already. Got me drawing spirals for hours.

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Michelle, this is great, as usual and so disturbing ins kind of resolute almost cheerful way. Yes LyndaBrarry is great too. wonderful drawing. the title rememindeed me of unequally awful remark made by a former girlfriend after I asked my friend Peteyton Smith of the Wooster group who abandoned NYC for the mining town of bisbee AZ and where Heather and I fled too fro hating temporarily NYC. I had book, lee and Elaine, coming out snd need an author photo. Peytons daughter flew out from LA she was a makeup artist and dud mine for the show, lightly as I asked and got some nice shots. when I got home and my girlfriend who was just artarting to have a complete mental unravelment, a breakdown, took one look at me and said "wipe that shit pff your face" instead of how's it go" !

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Yikes! That sounds rough! <3

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I so needed this, as a writer and a person. Thank you, Michelle!

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